About Me

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Wife of an IT guru and mother of 1 daughter and 4 boys. I am employed as a GP associate in Spalding. I have few hobbies as I am working all the time or as a mother. I enjoy making products form things I have grown or scrumpped.

Thursday, June 16, 2005


Last week on the 9th of June I had a really nasty shock. Was phone by my GP to tell me that my screening bloods had come back with a high risk of me carrying a Downs baby. To say I was upset is putting things extremely mildly! I opted for an amniocentisis to give me the all important yes/no. I then had to wait 5 days for the appointment down in Aberdeen (can you beleive I say 'down' to Aberdeen!). Not an easy 5 days for any of us and the kids could sense the anxiety floating around!
On Tuesday, my day off from work, I flew down and Nicki met me at the airport and was wonderful looking after me. She accompanied me and as any patient will let you know the hard part about hospital is the boring waiting - she helped fill those long gaps. Also held my hand for the actual amnio, which for me was painful - so it was just was well she held my hand! Then it was cup of tea and off. Flew home on Wednesday (yestarday as I write) and had a pretty pathetic day with aches and pains gallore.
Today at lunch got the PCR results. All normal!! I expect the full result - from culturing the cells from the amnio in 2-3 weeks time. This will provide us with a definative sexing of the baby.

But for today - GOOD NEWS - and the scan at the time of the amnio seemed to show I am in fact having another boy. (Edward to be).