About Me

My photo
Wife of an IT guru and mother of 1 daughter and 4 boys. I am employed as a GP associate in Spalding. I have few hobbies as I am working all the time or as a mother. I enjoy making products form things I have grown or scrumpped.

Wednesday, November 23, 2005

One for the album ;-)

One for the album ;-)
Originally uploaded by 60N.
One happy, happy dad.

Extreme Closeup!

Extreme Closeup!
Originally uploaded by 60N.
This is the first "portrait" shot of the little (hah! - 11lb 12.5oz!!!) man.

Benjamin Edward Clayton.

Bord 00:10, 23rd November 2005.

Pregnant? Moi?

Pregnant? Moi?
Originally uploaded by 60N.
About 36 hours before the "...& Tim" shot was taken. Hides the pregnancy well, doesn't she!

Jo, Tim & Ben

Jo, Tim & Ben
Originally uploaded by 60N.
The morning after the night before. All told, the whole birth thing took less than 2 hours this time! (well, after spending the whole day in the hospital and eventually coming home - only to return a couple of hours later!).