About Me

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Wife of an IT guru and mother of 1 daughter and 4 boys. I am employed as a GP associate in Spalding. I have few hobbies as I am working all the time or as a mother. I enjoy making products form things I have grown or scrumpped.

Wednesday, June 03, 2015

2014 - Outings & holidays

A busy, busy year we went all out to integrate with the country and location we had moved to. But sought to reassure the kids that even though we'd moved to a very small horrible house there was/is fun to be had anyway!

 Deeping play park

 Bourne Wood

My birthday!! Only pic that would down load. At the White Horse pub

 Up to Hexham to be with my sisters
 Going to Buley Lodge Ladies night!!

 While Tim & Dad went skiing on a mens bonding week, we went to Dinosaur world!
Back to Hexham and Roman Corbridge

 Framlingham Castle! Really - they got John to dance all girly like!

Rainy beautiful Lincoln

 Culumber Park with the grandparents

At Ruths, Hexham again for me!

Bourne open air pool - marvelous!

Burghley House, icecreams after getting soaked!

Baston car show

 Bourne woods - scrumping!!
 Lincoln Chilli festival - a chilly afair!

 Hungary holiday at lake Balaton - lots and lots of langos
 Baston in the Blitz!!

 Matt and Dad having a bonding weekend in London in celebration of times tables learnt to 12x before turning 7

 Dinosaur world - so good we did it as a whole family
 Northumberland - Christmas with Ruth and wider family. This is Boxing day hike/route march, for our own good.
Me with Tim, on my 41st B'day

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