What a day! Up to make tea and clear the kitchen of cats. Breakfast provided by John. Tom & Ad did some last minute shopping. The sky was clear and it was very cold in a sparkly kind of way - so John set up the telescope at the front of the house, used his fancy phone to orientate the viewer (find Saturn) and Mum, John, Adam & Tom had a good gander at it. Thank heavens (literally!) for our long nights. Saturn has moons - seen and discussed.
Sledging occurred again - yeah!! But befor that we had action games - great fun with Matt & Guy wanting more. Rod & Tori provided the extra "Okey Kokey".
Zach came sledging with me as it was clear he was going to cry otherwise. We sledged very carefully a little way.
After that it was prepping for the big day. The bird was de-quilled as much as I could and prepped as were the stuffings. Tom was briefed on cooking duties. Rod & Tom prepped the sprouts. Potatoes were prepped by mum & John. John did for the turkey with herb butter - oh er.
Then everyone relaxed in the lounge while I sorted out dinner - salmon en croute. I also cleaned the kitchen - all to 'Graceland' - the thme to many of my Christmasses, so I was very happy.
The dinner was another great get together and everyone was most complimentary about the food.
Band hero saw the evening out with everything set for the next day...
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