What a great holiday we have just had. The first week was spent in England split between my mum and Johns folks. We started with selling Johns car. Then hired a car and journeyed in that. In Corbridge we immersed ourselves in all things Roman - a pleasant break from Vikkings!
I stayed at Mums and did the 'Great British Weather Show' live on Wed evening, with my brother in law, Tom. For the previous 2 weeks, e mails had come from and to the production team, as I am a member of the Cloud Appreciation Society - we had specifically been invited to the show all about clouds. I was a person of interest being from Shetland. We turned up at 6pm and it rained and rained. It was clear I was not a person of interest. At 7pm the crowd (and surprisingly there was a crowd) moved to the filming area. There the society was called for and 10 of us presented ourselves. it was nice when the team put my face to the emails - but non personage confirmed. was just interesting hat wearing cloud appreciation member. I did however get to be filmed - but with a 'cloud spotting frame' on my face making look a freak in a freaks society with a duck look about it. Good lessons learned all round and it was fun.
Great family re-union in Northallerton - where we celebrated with lunch at Bettys. Back to Ripon to johns folks and a great play in the local play park. Just fantastic whole family fun!
The journey to Disney in Paris started next day, with a trip to Kent and a night with Simone and Bernard Borchardt. Lovely people, with lovely home. They gave us a great end to the travel. And so onto through the Chunnel and down to DLRP. It went smoothly and we ended by playing in the park at the ranch.
The next 4 days were spent with mornings packed full of Disney Studios and Park. The afternoons swimming, tree top adventuring and sleeping!! We did all we could want and I think all our family had a fantastic time.
The journey home started with a drive to Surrey and a night with the excellent Nicky and Charlie. Again a lovely time with generous folk. The next day was traveling to Northumberland - and a night with mum. Then lastly a drive to Aberdeen and the ferry home.
Phew!! What a great time.
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