We have been visited by my mother this week. This is an outstanding achievement as she has not been well for some time. Despite this she booked herself through to our Island and made it to our door step under her own steam.
My boys crowded round shouting to all the world their pleasure in seeing her. I know it lifted every-ones spirits in our household! This crying out of joy is what her effort was about.
We had a lovely visit with her and even the youngest, who at 1 years old can be suspicious of new folk was pleased to see and and be played with.
I envy my siblings of whom 2 live within 5 miles of mum for all the time with her they get. However I counter this with the moments of pure gold we have had, and because mum has come here is just for us. That and I have the oldest children who have therefor had the privilege of really knowing their gran.
Now she is safely away and at her home greeting grand kids all over again- and doubtless getting the same joyful response mine gave.
I am now happy that she has been, and sad that her visit is over.
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