About Me

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Wife of an IT guru and mother of 1 daughter and 4 boys. I am employed as a GP associate in Spalding. I have few hobbies as I am working all the time or as a mother. I enjoy making products form things I have grown or scrumpped.

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

The Gallery - world photography day

Not sure this actually fits the brief, but here are my justifications for choosing this photo:
* It has my family in it and they are my world
* It shows our "US Pentagon" in the sand-castle media
* We won a prize for the sand-castle!!


Catherine Warrilow said...

What a great family photo!

mumsarcade said...

I like this. I expected more of children in the Gallery as they are our world aren't they and our world is never the same once they arrive on the plant.
Lovely and an impressive sandcastle but you knew that already

Sarahmumof3 said...

this is a great photo! a beautiful family, a moment to treasure and a sandcastle worth remembering!