Well this is the end of January and it has got to be one of the nicest on record. Currently blue sky and no wind to speak of. New month coming up, so I am expecting change soon!
I am now at the weight I was when I fell pregnant in Sept '09 and feeling pretty good about it. Am jogging and using the rowing machine. Unfortunately I have Achilles tendonitis threatening , and a bit of knee pain. The joy of being older, I guess. However Rod has given some useful advise on keeping the running going but not worsening the tendonitis - which is brilliant as I don't want to rest it!
I have ordered 900 photo prints from snap fish, and while not great quality, they have arrived fast. I am now making albums of all that we have done in the last 2.5 years since I last did photo albums. Turns out we have done quite a lot! It is exhausting and rewarding to do this. I have resolved (again!) to keep more up to date with my album making.
Up Helly Aa happened this past week and it was Matthews first at nursery. He was so cute and just like the 3 befor him VERY excited at being a Viking! I took the older 4 to the parade and we all came back smelling of the torches. The following day we made axes, whcih are very good if I do say so myself. Ben took his to talk about at school!
The diving manual has arrived for me and I have given it to Cesca. Not sure what has happened to hers. Egypt is a seething mass of rebellion at the moment - so I am a bit concerned for this holiday of ours. I have bought additional insurance, as the annual insurance we have does not have a phone number to call when you need either medical assistance or to make a claim. Everything is done by fax. We are not having a happy time with companies that only deal with faxes (cause they don't bother to deal with them!) - so I have specific insurance for our trip and they DO have a phone line dedicated to medical needs. A lesson learned there.
About Me

- 60N
- Wife of an IT guru and mother of 1 daughter and 4 boys. I am employed as a GP associate in Spalding. I have few hobbies as I am working all the time or as a mother. I enjoy making products form things I have grown or scrumpped.
Saturday, January 29, 2011
Saturday, January 22, 2011
A few things planned
This week has been an odd one. Beryl - my mother in law- has been here. She came up in order to look after Zach if I was called to attend court again (I was in Aberdeen for 2 days last week, which John covered using annual leave). We get on well but it was still a bit odd, as we carried on doing our normal thing as opposed to special activities such a visit usually causes.
I am pleased to report the exercise and weight loss continue. I have lost 7kg so far, but have a long way to go yet - and now my body is fighting back.
Our holiday dates are booked and our main family holiday is as well. We are going to Disney Land Paris! Very exciting for everyone. We are driving there so we get to see friends and our old haunts around Ashford. This is were we were last time I had to diet like now -feels apt. Now we are booked it is amazing just how many Islanders are going either to DLP or DLF this year!!
I have booked Sumburgh lighthouse for my family to use in June when Zachs Christening is planned. And that is exciting too - should be spectacular for them and right about Simmer Dim. Bird spotting made easy. Fingers crossed for whales too.
As a happy co-incidence timing wise, Al Murray is preforming to the Clickimin right here in Shetland while my family are here for the Christening. So we have taken the opportunity and have booked our selves tickets. Leaving my family to baby sit!! John & I have not been out by ourselves for5 years - by choice mostly- but this will be exciting for us!
On a less exciting note, but important to me, renewed the house and car insurance and used on line brokers. Saved £350 in total from renewal cost!!
I am pleased to report the exercise and weight loss continue. I have lost 7kg so far, but have a long way to go yet - and now my body is fighting back.
Our holiday dates are booked and our main family holiday is as well. We are going to Disney Land Paris! Very exciting for everyone. We are driving there so we get to see friends and our old haunts around Ashford. This is were we were last time I had to diet like now -feels apt. Now we are booked it is amazing just how many Islanders are going either to DLP or DLF this year!!
I have booked Sumburgh lighthouse for my family to use in June when Zachs Christening is planned. And that is exciting too - should be spectacular for them and right about Simmer Dim. Bird spotting made easy. Fingers crossed for whales too.
As a happy co-incidence timing wise, Al Murray is preforming to the Clickimin right here in Shetland while my family are here for the Christening. So we have taken the opportunity and have booked our selves tickets. Leaving my family to baby sit!! John & I have not been out by ourselves for5 years - by choice mostly- but this will be exciting for us!
On a less exciting note, but important to me, renewed the house and car insurance and used on line brokers. Saved £350 in total from renewal cost!!
Monday, January 10, 2011
Well a week in and we have not cheated on the diet and have remained steadfast. The reward is a return to what I deem my normal over-weight (as opposed to fat). Trousers fit better. Just in time to appear in court - I will respect myself and hopefully that will encourage the court too as well.
Now dreaming of being 'ideal' weight - but this is an expensive dream as I have bought a dress already. Must stay off ebay!!
Now dreaming of being 'ideal' weight - but this is an expensive dream as I have bought a dress already. Must stay off ebay!!
Sunday, January 02, 2011
New Year
I am a shameful weight (not been this heavy and not pregnant since 2000) and have turned over a new leaf. No alcohol, little food. Took a fair bit of time prepping Cesca for the change in our eating - as the last thing I want is for her to feel she needs to diet. So far, so hungry!
Exercise has been recommenced and I am attempting to bully my stomach muscles into existing again. Ouchio! so far.
On the plus side the endorphins have lifted the depression of Christmas ending and we have a fairly ordered house with new presents all pressed into action. This is a good reminder of Christmas and of course what the presents were for.
Better than exercise, 'cause it doesn't hurt, is planning a holiday. I have chosen my leave days today and sent an email requesting the dates to my boss. An advert for DisneyLandParis quoted lots of discounts and the word family a lot - that got me thinking. A few hours used on searching their website and blow me if we can't have a holiday there for 5 days, all of us at not-unreasonable cost!!
Having the pleasure of thinking around the 'hows' of the holiday has me excited that we can say hello to our Southern friends!! If we are really lucky they won't mind us cadging the floor to kip on and that will help keep our costs down. Another form of excitement!
On the down side: I am trying to convert Zach to the bottle. He resists which is sad and painful to watch his frustration. My milk has already started to change with the radical reduction in food and taking the combined contraceptive pill, so even when I let him snuggle he gets no satisfaction. I hope he converts soon!
Exercise has been recommenced and I am attempting to bully my stomach muscles into existing again. Ouchio! so far.
On the plus side the endorphins have lifted the depression of Christmas ending and we have a fairly ordered house with new presents all pressed into action. This is a good reminder of Christmas and of course what the presents were for.
Better than exercise, 'cause it doesn't hurt, is planning a holiday. I have chosen my leave days today and sent an email requesting the dates to my boss. An advert for DisneyLandParis quoted lots of discounts and the word family a lot - that got me thinking. A few hours used on searching their website and blow me if we can't have a holiday there for 5 days, all of us at not-unreasonable cost!!
Having the pleasure of thinking around the 'hows' of the holiday has me excited that we can say hello to our Southern friends!! If we are really lucky they won't mind us cadging the floor to kip on and that will help keep our costs down. Another form of excitement!
On the down side: I am trying to convert Zach to the bottle. He resists which is sad and painful to watch his frustration. My milk has already started to change with the radical reduction in food and taking the combined contraceptive pill, so even when I let him snuggle he gets no satisfaction. I hope he converts soon!
Saturday, January 01, 2011
Big family Christmas 2010 *the departure
Up fairly late for me to find Bex foraging for Ruperts breakfast. The weather had continued to change and there was sever weather warning of high winds. The ferry was still going but would likely dock late - meaning a rough and long crossing faced everyone at the end of the day. With this knowledge the decision was made by those of a delicate stomach to eat fully in the morning and sparingly in the evening. Left over sticky toffee pudding was dispatched, as were salmon bagels, Ham & cheese bagels etc.
With so many strong hands about we removed the 2 mattresses from our bedroom that were for chucking, and moved the 2 mattresses that were new onto the small boys bed frames. The mattresses already on the bed frames were bagged and put up in the garage roof. Rods room saw the double futon mattress removed and bagged - also put into the roof. The kids reclaimed their rooms with their bedding. Much hoovering was done. Everyone helping to put the house back into order. It felt a good way to fill the day that was being overshadowed by the journey ahead.
Dinner was ham and pasta.
Medications to help versus travel sickness were dispensed and cars loaded. I escorted Bexs family to the ferry and said good bye to everyone going as foot passengers (Rod & Tom I had said my goodbyes to were the drivers onto the ferry) and had a lonely drive home.
John & I both flushed with the fun that had been had but also feeling a real wrench that it was now over and not recoverable.
What a remarkable family time.
The 29th saw us taking the kitchen tables and chairs back to Johns work where we had borrowed them from. It was a sad day and John & I both very down. We opened the presents that had arrived from family not present on the days its self. This acted as a bit of a lift to us - but worked magic on the kids! The kids were troopers and played very happily. The postie came late (5.30) with 2 further sets of presents and the day ended quietly and happily. The traveling family had a good journey South - but all suffered with prolonged nausea on the journey ending - 'land sickness'.
With so many strong hands about we removed the 2 mattresses from our bedroom that were for chucking, and moved the 2 mattresses that were new onto the small boys bed frames. The mattresses already on the bed frames were bagged and put up in the garage roof. Rods room saw the double futon mattress removed and bagged - also put into the roof. The kids reclaimed their rooms with their bedding. Much hoovering was done. Everyone helping to put the house back into order. It felt a good way to fill the day that was being overshadowed by the journey ahead.
Dinner was ham and pasta.
Medications to help versus travel sickness were dispensed and cars loaded. I escorted Bexs family to the ferry and said good bye to everyone going as foot passengers (Rod & Tom I had said my goodbyes to were the drivers onto the ferry) and had a lonely drive home.
John & I both flushed with the fun that had been had but also feeling a real wrench that it was now over and not recoverable.
What a remarkable family time.
The 29th saw us taking the kitchen tables and chairs back to Johns work where we had borrowed them from. It was a sad day and John & I both very down. We opened the presents that had arrived from family not present on the days its self. This acted as a bit of a lift to us - but worked magic on the kids! The kids were troopers and played very happily. The postie came late (5.30) with 2 further sets of presents and the day ended quietly and happily. The traveling family had a good journey South - but all suffered with prolonged nausea on the journey ending - 'land sickness'.
Big family Christmas 2010 *Happy Birthday Ruth!!
We left the men to look after the house and dinner preparations for jerk chicken. This would involve shopping.
We set off way too early and consequently had a pleasant chat in the car awaiting the ferry and guessing how the chaps would fair during the day. It is telling we never took our mobile phones!!
We had a lovely morning of sauna, steam rooms and hot tub. Followed by a wonderful lunch. The Northern Lights spa is really pretty special and it was really good being ladies together - we are quite a bunch!
Home again for 3pm (ish) saw the men doing well and about to have a(nother?)beer. Chicken had been prepped and put into the oven to do its magic. Jerk chicken, pasta and salad followed by sticky toffee pudding (and lots of it!!). Once the kids were in bed we played the Kill Dr lucky & Save Dr Lucky - John winning each game and each time before 3 players had even made a move. None the less a good evening had at the end of a fine day. Happy Birthday Ruth!
Big family Christmas 2010 *Boxing day
After the sledging Ruth & Tom headed for a SWIM in the SEA. All this unseasonal swimming was Toms idea! Again Rod recorded the whole thing for posterity. Tom ran home after his swim! The Bentley family warmed up (eventually) in the sauna - which Guy took to well - with an exclamation of "its like Spain!"
In the afternoon Adam helped me prepare turkey rissoles that saw the rest of the bird used up completely, as well as left over roast potatoes. John& Rod wrestled with the boys with Bea joining in when she could. At one point they had John pinned down and Guy stood onto his thigh and did a jig. Ruth & I just stared as John took the pain, then laughed - of course!
Dinner was chips & rissoles with gravy from Christmas - yum. Again chatting and games followed.
Big family Christmas 2010 *the big day
The kids enjoyed their Santa sack presents very much and they all noticed how they got the present they had been shown on Portable North Pole. Inside my Santa sack was a book of medical humour 'Dr Copperfield' & Country File Calender - both being used now as I write this on New Years day.
Down stairs and sorted cats and tea. The other families awake now (7.30 ish) and everyone enjoying their Santa sacks. Breakfast of kippers and toast.
Into the sitting room and we each over saw a child and opened presents. As you will see in the picture it was a merry occasion and much wrapping rubbish was generated!
I am very pleased with some Per Uno clothes, a bed side lamp and bedside radio alarm clock. Some spinning shoes remind me I need to loose weight. John & I received a beautiful Nepalese rug - it is now on the sitting room wall adoring it. My kids got Didi cars and pedal walkers. Instant hit especially the didi cars and & Bea. Good to have got the presents correct. Matt became a bit obsessed with making mechano and I was not going to help him with so much wrapping around. Gran stepped in and took him to her room and made him feel special making a helicopter.
Bex, Rupe, Ruth, Guy, Bea and Gran joined us in heading to church where we all sang good and loud - celebrating Christmas properly. While we were busy with that Tom was starting the Turkey off in the oven. I gather the plans altered slightly as he apologised on our return, but i could not tell you what he thought he did wrong!
We found our selves with a sledging opportunity which Mum, Rod, Adam and I took up. Mum sledged!!!! What fun. She and I also had a go together. A priceless moment at the end of what has been a fairly hard year for mum.
Back home and kids playing and food cooking. Sprouts, parsnips, bread sauce all sorted by other folk! I made my rum sauce for the pudding, can say I did very much beyond that. Crackers for the kids started things off. The dinner was fantastic if a bit chaotic as there were such big numbers and some hungry folk. The turkey was really moist and and totally worth his price tag as a happy turkey. Cesca did her best to eat the sprouts single handed, much to the pleasure of Bex & Rod the sprout haters. The main meal was cleared, dish washer set off and much chat had, while the pudding was microwaved and space for pudding was made. 2 puddings this year - Ruths home made pudding with brandy set alight and rum sauce, and the panatoni icecream pudding that i had made with a caramel sauce. Both were very popular despite how well fed we already were. At the end of the meal the 'center table' presents were distributed and opened. This is the past present of the day, and the adults had done a secret Santa for this one. I did well with a Jami Oliver recipe book - which Radio 4 tells me is the fastest selling recipe book of all time, so Santa did well.
We watched a bit of TV and played games - but early to bed for those with kids as we were exhausted!! A very full and happy Christmas.
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