About Me

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Wife of an IT guru and mother of 1 daughter and 4 boys. I am employed as a GP associate in Spalding. I have few hobbies as I am working all the time or as a mother. I enjoy making products form things I have grown or scrumpped.

Sunday, January 02, 2011

New Year

I am a shameful weight (not been this heavy and not pregnant since 2000) and have turned over a new leaf. No alcohol, little food. Took a fair bit of time prepping Cesca for the change in our eating - as the last thing I want is for her to feel she needs to diet. So far, so hungry!
Exercise has been recommenced and I am attempting to bully my stomach muscles into existing again. Ouchio! so far.
On the plus side the endorphins have lifted the depression of Christmas ending and we have a fairly ordered house with new presents all pressed into action. This is a good reminder of Christmas and of course what the presents were for.
Better than exercise, 'cause it doesn't hurt, is planning a holiday. I have chosen my leave days today and sent an email requesting the dates to my boss. An advert for DisneyLandParis quoted lots of discounts and the word family a lot - that got me thinking. A few hours used on searching their website and blow me if we can't have a holiday there for 5 days, all of us at not-unreasonable cost!!
Having the pleasure of thinking around the 'hows' of the holiday has me excited that we can say hello to our Southern friends!! If we are really lucky they won't mind us cadging the floor to kip on and that will help keep our costs down. Another form of excitement!
On the down side: I am trying to convert Zach to the bottle. He resists which is sad and painful to watch his frustration. My milk has already started to change with the radical reduction in food and taking the combined contraceptive pill, so even when I let him snuggle he gets no satisfaction. I hope he converts soon!


John C said...

I, too, am a somewhat astonishing weight. Hadn't realised I'd hit quite *that* high a mark this year. Still, one major crash diet every 10 years isn't that bad. So far, the exercise sucks but my knee hasn't thrown in the towel. Focussing on the big meal that will happen Feb 16th, see how much I can lose before then!

Unknown said...

The amazing Christmas food and John's cooked breakfasts (how he prepared them with the kids hanging off his neck is beyond us) have given us a few extra pounds, too. We've elected for a nice long holiday to add a few more; when we do eventually diet/exercise it will be VERY hard work!!! -R&T