Had a fitful nights sleep - typical really. Up at 5.30 - a relief really to actually have to be awake!
John and i get ourselves sorted out and get the kids up. Dog is confused but shoved out to have her morning business. Tea is made, breakfast - toast- is had. Kids counted, luggage counted and it all matches. into both of our cars and off we go 6.30 on the dot we are off to the airport.
Quick journey there and we check in. There will only be 12 of us on the Edinburgh flight. The time zips by and we are soon boarded and off.
The pilot is clearly keen for Christmas because we arrive in Edinburgh 30mins early!! We walk/run off to Hertz to collect the hire car and the kids get some needed exercise. We have a Ford Galaxy smax again (same as Disney trips car). It is fine and we fit very well. Amazing what the lack of a push chair and luggage rack will do!
The journey South goes pretty fast and quick and we arrive at my Mums.
MUCH noise and the joy of greetings! Mum is looking good. Rod & Tori are staying with her and will be the organisers of the stuff we have been stashing in preparation of this holiday. Ruths family are there as are her in laws - Rod & Trish.
I get to have mince pies! Yum, Yum. All the rest of the buffet stuff is excellent but the salads are where my heart goes. the kids don't eat much sadly.
At around 3 ish we head to our cottage at Derwent Manor with Rod & Tori following with the extra stuff.
The picking up of the keys is the easiest ever and we find a cute, if 1970's style cottage. Rod & Tori help us set up the tree that Ruth has kindly lent us. It is REALLY good to have this symbol of Christmas with us. The view is great and the kids seem very happy with their sleeping arrangements.
Rod & Tori head back to the merriment at Corbridge and we settle down - putting presents under the tree etc. We then all go for a swim in the leisure complex of the hotel. Really lovely swim had and again a use of all that energy!
We walk to the cottage and look to make tuna & pasta - but no tomato. So quick change of plan and it is sausages, mash and gravy instead. Takes longer (the winging kids really get to you when cooking as fast as possible but it is still not fast enough) than hoped for but worth it and everyone is relieved to eat!
Little ones are tired and off to bed they go. Zach in a cot and Matt & Ben in a double bed. Pillow cases are placed ready for Santa.
We watch some TV with Cesca and Tim before they too decide to head to bed early. Phew!
We make the essential Christmas rounds and are in bed for 10pm!
Good night one and all
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